
Royal Wolf News - Meet Your Wolf Pack - Peter Clothier

Peter Clothier has been with Royal Wolf for four years and believes he has the best job in the business, finding solutions for his business partners.

After a long career in banking, both in Australia and New Zealand, Peter Clothier moved into the sales side of the security world, before taking up an opportunity with Royal Wolf as an Area Manager back in 2016. He and his colleagues at Royal Wolf form part of the National Business Team, and Peter’s role is very much about forming partnerships with the clients in his portfolio.

“I guess for me it is about making sure our clients feel part of the business, and we feel part of their business,” he explains. “If we do not understand the business our clients are in, then how can we understand what solutions we can deliver to them?”

“And in the most recent COVID-19 situation the opportunities that were presented for that, were significant,” he adds.

It’s safe to say that Peter is happy in his role: “I probably have the best job in the business actually!”

“I get to chat with lots of decision-makers,” he expands. “I get to travel, I get to provide solutions, and along the way I get to make a lot of business friends and colleagues.”

“It’s not a bad life really,” he laughs.

COVID-19 has been a challenging, but really interesting time for Peter.

“We were actively involved with various members of the emergency services world during that initial lockdown period.... I found myself talking to a number of executives and people just below the Central Government, who were involved in decisions that really were part of the road ahead for the country,” Peter explains. “Understanding their thought making process and being part of the outcomes was both exciting and challenging.”

Peter’s other most memorable time with Royal Wolf also came in a time of emergency for the country, and he has recently started work on a project that is a legacy from that time.

“When the Kaikoura region was hit by the last big earthquake in 2016, the Christchurch and Nelson CSCs worked tirelessly to facilitate client needs. We had a lot of discussion around projects then, which have just started back up again recently: Fire and Emergency New Zealand have been planning temporary Fire Stations, and that is now something I am involved with. It’s important to stay in touch with clients.”

Another highlight for Peter is working with such innovative and talented colleagues.

“There have been many changes in the way we do business in the time I have been onboard. New locations, new systems, and new products – our Wolf Lock container is a bit of a game changer. We have some very clever people in the business.”

Away from the Wolf Pack, Peter hangs with a much smaller four-legged creature.

“We recently added a young pug to the family!” says Peter. “And my partner and I enjoy gardening… we are planting out trees on our block in Cheviot, North of Christchurch, which is a labour of love for me.

A time of growth then, for Peter, both at work and at home.

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